The Kingdom of Bahrain is an archipelago of low lying islands located in the Arabian Gulf off the Eastern shore of Saudi Arabia.
Frequently referred to as the pearl of the Gulf, Bahrain has a history of civilizations that date back more than 5,000 years. The ancient site of the immortal land of Dilmun, and a religious centre for ancient Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians at different times, Bahrain's strategic location has ensured that it maintain a heritage of pluralism and diversity.
With centuries upon centuries of human habitation packed into one compact site, many legends have enveloped the land of Bahrain. One such example is the historic reference to Bahrain as the Island of Eternity – a result of the multitude of ancient burial grounds found throughout the island, before modern archaeological findings explained them to be a legacy of the Dilmun era.
The writings of the ancient Sumerians refer to Dilmun as a pure and sacred place in which sickness and death do not exist - a land like paradise full of sweet water springs. Bahrain does in fact have freshwater artesian and under seabed springs, rich in minerals and especially fluoride, known locally as sweet water. These have sustained life here since the Ubaid civilization of Neolithic times 6000 years ago. The sweet water springs may be the basis for the legend of Gilgamesh, a Sumerian epic about a quest for immortality from the flower of life (the pearl) which leads to Dilmun, the “land of two seas”.
From the mists of times to a vibrant present, Bahrain thrives under a stable and prosperous government, which has evolved throughout the 20th Century into a constitutional monarchy in the 21st Century.
Today, known by its modern Arabic name, “Bahrain,” in reference to the “two seas” or the phenomenon of two waters – sweet water springs and salty sea, its landscape is a tapestry of marvellous old sites and colourful traditional markets dotted between skyscrapers and contemporary urban living. While relatively small in population, land area and resources, Bahrain has achieved a high level of social and economic development over a short period of time.